Curvy: Emphasizes your Inquisitors curves, with an enhanced hour-glass figure.
Alternatively, the arms can be used alone with the default body. Three body options are available for human females, two of which, can be used with different arms. Good luck, and happy modding! Mod Update! Make sure to thank them, and to let them know you really appreciate their efforts! Please note that the female elf version is still incompatible with Bumps Be Gone, but the male elf version is *not* since Bumps Be Gone is a female-only mod.Īlso be aware that the modder has stated that they are working on other races, as well.
Muscular: Includes a heavily modified model with a muscular frame, akin to the default human male.”.
However, these are still much larger than the default.
Sleek Body: Uses the same body model as the standard option, but with slimmer arms.
Standard Body: This version is modeled to be identical to Solas, meaning, both a wider and thicker frame.
If you have the time, please let me know how they turn out. But, theoretically, they should work fine. This will likely not fix the bent arms issue visible in cut-scenes, as I believe that is due to animation, rather than the actual mesh, and may make the situation better/worse. None of these models have been thoroughly tested, especially in cut-scenes. There are three options for male elves, listed below. Note that this mod REQUIRES Ultra mesh settings, just like hair mods.Īdditional information about the new options: The mod in that post has been updated to a new name and also to include Elf Male Body meshes! This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post on a mod originally reported by cullenrutherford. (Always take the last step with removing bad references too, btw when running and compiling chargen files)Īlso most of the cosmetic changes are for your character only and only applied/visible on a new character or if you change a char in the toolset.Daimodder: “Custom Body Models - Beta” Mod Update! Use this tool to compile several chargenmorphcfg.xml files to a single one and it should be fine and the mods usable. The thing with these chargenmorphcfg.xml files is however that you can always only have one chargenmorphcfg.xml file at a time, or else the game will CTD in the CC. There are also toolset only files of course who don't need that. You need them so your char creator recognizes the mods when creating a character. With cosmetic mods such as hair, face/eye textures, there is normally a chargenmorphcfg.xml file that comes with the zip file or has to downloaded separately. For the companion morphs, just use one version per character, or else it will conflict with each other and revert back to the original morph.